On the Road in Big Sur

A ribbon of road heading south in Big Sur with no visible traffic. Access to Big Sur is subject naturally occurring disasters like rockslides and damage from heavy storms.

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Point Sur State Park

Point Sur is one of Big Sur’s most distinctive landmarks. It protrudes from the surrounding terraces and, at first glance, looks like a mysterious nearshore island, but is actually connected to the mainland by a low-lying plain covered with shifting sand dunes.

The vegetation on Point Sur is strongly affected by the northwesterly winds. Windy days are the rule at Point Sur, and almost all the plants exhibit low-growing forms. Poison oaks, beach sagewort, California sagebrush, bush lupine, and lizard tail grow in wind-pruned fashion up on the exposed parts of the rock.*

The Natural History of Big Sur by Paul Henson and Donald J. Usner

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Hurricane Point
